Drying racks:
- Steel piping: use our Railings tutorial
- Board & batten trim: use our Accent Wall tutorial
- Hangers: H&M Home
Counter decor:
- Vase: Crate & Barrel
- Glass canister (small): Amazon
- Glass canister (large): Amazon
- Glass canisters: The Container Store (3 sizes available, I used 3qt and 1gal here)
- Washer: Home Depot (newer version)
- Dryer: Dryer (newer version)
Drawer organizers:
- Floor tiles: cement. An important note about cement tile flooring: We’ve used patterned cement tiles in our Powder Room, Master Bathroom, and Laundry Room. These tiles require a lot of care before and after installation to keep them looking good. I’m not a tile expert but I did a ton of research and understood to the best of my ability the level of maintenance they needed from the start, but we also intentionally chose places to use them that did not get direct water and wouldn’t get too dirty. It is incredibly important that this type of tile be properly sealed because once they stain, it’s almost impossible to get it out since the material is porous. I sealed all our tiles individually by hand (with this sealer: Home Depot | Amazon) twice each before they were installed so that as they were handled in installation they wouldn’t stain. Then I re-sealed them again twice after installation. Then, every 6-8 months, I clean them extra well (with clear soap and water) and re-seal them once. It’s possible this is overboard BUT we intend this to be our forever home so any issues these tiles have many years from now will be ours to deal with so I’d rather play it extra safe and keep them protected. We’ve had a great experience with the sealer we use on our tiles, but always be sure to test any sealer you use on a spare tile or somewhere hidden before you apply it everywhere.
- Cement tile sealer: Home Depot | Amazon (always test on a spare tile before applying everywhere)
- Interior doors (similar): Home Depot
- Interior door hardware (similar): Amazon | Build.com
Christmas decor:
- Paper accordion trees (similar): West Elm
- Present wrapping details: Neutral Christmas Present Wrapping Tutorial
- Reindeer: Crate & Barrel
General info:
- Paint color: BM Simply White. Walls: flat, trim/shiplap: satin, cabinets: custom finish.
- Countertop: Italian quartz in pure white.
- Cabinetry: designed by us and custom made.
- Windows: SW Tricorn Black | Fiberglass, custom made
- Shiplap: Shiplap Tutorial & Info
- Ceiling: 9-ft
To explore other rooms in our home, click here for our website roadmap.
To follow our daily progress and house projects, follow us on Instagram @ahousewebuilt.
Emily Jones says
Your design style and generosity in offering your sources is amazing! I was curious about how thick (not sure this is the right “construction” term) your laundry room countertops are? And what is the material? They look amazing!
admin says
Thank you 🙂 They’re quartz – the edge is about double normal I think.
The Labon Family says
Love this! Are there any plans available for the build?
admin says
No, sorry. We designed our house from scratch together so our plan is both near and dear to our hearts and also very personal to us. As such we have chosen not to share it at this time. Thank you for understanding.
Sarah Boone says
Did you paint your laundry room cabinets Simply White as well?
admin says
Lea says
Can you tell me more about the base under your washer and dryer? We want to do something similar and would love advice on what to consider when planning it.
admin says
I haven’t yet done a tutorial for it but we rubber padded it and separated from the cabinetry faces. It’s made from plywood and 2x6s. I will try to do a tutorial on how we made ours at some point but just haven’t had the time yet.
Nik says
I can’t wait for this! We are building currently and I would love to copy this for my laundry room washer and dryer!! 🙏🏼
Christina says
This home is incredible….amd forgive me if I’ve missed it, but where are the tiles from that are in the laundry room….LOVE THEM!!! Thanks!
admin says
Hi – there’s a section on our tiles in the post above. Tiles (and most raw building products) are the only items we don’t source directly. I have named the type of tile though 🙂
Carrie Cogdill says
Beautiful home! What is the color of grout used with the floor tiles in the powder and laundry rooms?
admin says
White 🙂
Lori says
Oh please do a tutorial on how you constructed the base and the removable counter/sides around your washer/dryer set! We want to elevate ours during our laundry remodel, but are concerned with not being able to get behind them if there’s a need to. Thank you!!! I love your site!!
admin says
It’s on my to-do list 🙂
Monica says
yes! This! Look forward to seeing how the washer/dryer cabinets are – and would love to see how easy it is to move the appliances to get to the backs/vent/water connections and for maintenance. Thank you!
Ashley says
Hi there! I absolutely love your home. I didn’t see a link to the actual tile that you used. Would you be able to provide that to me? Thank you!
admin says
Our tiles were sourced locally so I don’t have links for them, sorry.
I have named the type of tile they are in the post though.
If you google them, you should be able to find local sources close to you.